مراد سعید کی ڈگری کو منسوخ کرنے کا
پشاور یونیورسٹی کی انکوئری کمیٹی نے پاکستان تحریک انصاف (پی ٹی آئی) کے رہنما مراد سعید کیلئے خصوصی امتحان منعقد کرنے کی تحقیقات کے بعد ان کی ڈگری کو منسوخ کرنے کی سفارش کردی ہے۔
پی ٹی آئی کے رہنما مراد سعید، جو 2013 کے انتخابات میں قومی اسبملی کے رکن کیلئے سوات سے منتخب ہوئے 2005 سے 2009 تک پشاور یونیورسٹی کے ماحولیات کے ڈپارٹمنٹ میں انرول رہے تھے۔
یونیورسٹی کی انتظامیہ کے مطابق مراد سعید نے اپنا امتحان پاس نہیں کیا ہے۔
ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ ماحولیات کے ڈپارٹمنٹ نے مراد سعید کے دو امتحانی پرچوں کیلئے 2 مارچ 2015 کو خصوصی انتظامات کئے تھے اور ان کو اس کی تفصیلی مارک شیٹ بھی جاری کردی تھی۔
واقعے کا نوٹس لیتے ہوئے یونیورسٹی کے وائس چانسلر پروفیسر ڈاکٹر رسول جان نے اس واقعے کی تحقیقات کیلئے ایک کمیٹی تشکیل دی جس کی سربراہی نومریکل اور فیزیکل سائنس کے ڈین ڈاکٹر گلزار خان کررہے تھے۔
یونیورسٹی کے ترجمان اختر امین جو کہ تحقیقاتی کمیٹی کے ممبر بھی ہیں، نے ڈان نیوز کو بتایا ہے کہ کمیٹی نے رپورٹ وائس چانسلر کو پیش کردی ہے۔
ان کا کہنا تھا کہ ڈپارٹمنٹ نے ایک خصوصی امتحان منعقد کیا تھا جو یونیورسٹی کے قواعد وضوابط کی خلاف ورزی ہے۔
ترجمان کا کہنا تھا کہ یونیورسٹی کی بی ایس کمیٹی کی اجازت کے بغیر کوئی بھی ڈپارٹمنٹ خصوصی امتحانات منعقد نہیں کرسکتا۔
اختر امین نے بتایا کہ کمیٹی کو تحقیقات میں معلوم ہوا ہے کہ مذکورہ امتحان صاف اور شفاف طریقے سے منعقد نہیں ہوا تھا۔
پی ٹی آئی رہنما مراد سعید کی ڈگری کے معاملے پر وفاقی وزیر اطلاعات پرویز رشید کہنا تھا کہ مراد سعید کے معاملے نے پی ٹی آئی کا اصل چہرا بے نقاب کردیا ہے۔
وفاقی وزیر کا کہنا تھا کہ بڑی بڑی باتیں کرنے والوں کی اصلیت عوام کے سامنے واضح ہوگئی ہے۔
ادھر پی ٹی آئی کے رکن قومی اسمبلی نے اپنے اوپر لگائے جانے والے تمام الزامات کی تردید کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ان پر پی ٹی آئی سے تعلق کی وجہ سے بدنام کرنے کی کوشش کی جارہی ہے۔
مراد سعید نے دعویٰ کیا کہ یونیورسٹی کے وائس چانسلر کا تعلق عوامی نشنل پارٹی سے ہے اور وہ ان کی ساخت کو خراب کرنے کیلئے سازش میں شریک ہیں۔
ان کا کہنا تھا کہ وہ اپنے 16 سالہ تعلیمی کیئریر میں کبھی کسی امتحان میں فیل نہیں ہوئے ہیں۔
مراد سعید نے یہ بھی دعویٰ کیا کہ یونیورسٹی کی جانب سے ان کو امتحان پاس کرنے کا مراسلہ جاری کیا جاچکا ہے جو انھوں نے گذشتہ روز پریس کانفرنس میں صحافیوں کے سامنے پیش کیا تھا۔
ایک سوال کے جواب میں انھوں نے کہا کہ ان کو یونیورسٹی نے باقاعدہ ڈگری جاری نہیں کی ہے۔
مراد سعید کا کہنا تھا کہ وہ اس معاملے کو عدالت میں پیش کریں گے اور جب تک کہ ان کو بے گناہ ثابت نہیں کردیا جاتا وہ پی ٹی آئی کے پلیٹ فارم کو استعمال نہیں کرے گے۔
Zahra Shahid Hussain's daughter says PTI has no right to commemorate her mother's death - blames the party
— omar r quraishi (@omar_quraishi) March 9, 2015
Nezihe Hussain - Daughter of Zahra Shahid reveals more about the #PTI function that was held in her mother's memory
— Mansoor Ali Khan (@MAKhan_News) March 10, 2015
Muk Muka? May be
@masohail61 @imshee67 @MohsinHijazee @miss3zero1 @TheAngryLawyer3 @anihachaudhary
— Anzal shah (@anzalshaah) March 7, 2015
#NayaPakhtunkhwa #NayaPakistan shows its commitment to rule of law and democratic values
— Murtaza Ali Shah (@MurtazaGeoNews) March 5, 2015
New record? PSF claims MNA Murad Saeed cleared three exams in an hour
PESHAWAR: Pakhtun Students Federation (PSF) claims Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf MNA Murad Saeed allegedly cleared three stalled papers in one hour and received his results on the same day at the University of Peshawar.
The MNA had failed to clear examinations for three courses, namely Remote Sensing, Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Ecology from semesters 5, 6 and 7 respectively. Saeed attended the UoP from 2005 to 2009 for Bachelors of Environmental Sciences.
The university administration allowed him to sit for the papers after a gap of over four years on March 2, and within an hour he had passed the exams with flying colours.
PSF activists protested against the alleged violation of SoP. While talking to The Express Tribune, PSF Provincial Secretary Information Muqarab Khan questioned how the university administration was able to conduct such an unprecedented examination and provide special treatment to a student who was not eligible. “The student has to first attend the classes and qualify for the assessment,” he added.
UoP Spokesperson Akhtar Amin told The Express Tribune the PTI MNA had failed one paper while the results of two were awaited. Speaking on behalf of Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Rasul Jan, Amin said the department concerned conducted the examination without prior approval, adding an enquiry committee has been formed and investigation is under way.
Meanwhile, UoP Environmental Sciences Department Chairman Shahida Zakir said the examinations were conducted under direct orders of Vice Chancellor Dr Rasul Jan.
Fake docs
DMC Without Signature issued in 2011
In 2013 transcript waited Via @farrukh389
#RIP #PrideOfPTIMuradSaeed"
— sumairajamil (@iamsumaira) March 7, 2015
Property tycoon ‘invests’ in Senate elections
PESHAWAR: Walkways of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly and MPAs Hostel are abuzz with rumours about a real estate giant ‘investing’ money in the upcoming Senate elections.
Lawmakers say that money and not political ideology is likely to be the main and decisive factor for winning the polls in the province.
Horse trading seems to be an outdated methodology in the coming polls.
The property tycoon is stated to be backing the candidates of a political party in the provincial assembly that can be a game-changer.
Take a look: Some in PTI vying for Senate tickets
“Some of the lawmakers have become front men of the candidates, who are discussing deals with lawmakers at the MPAs Hostel,” confided one legislator.
“The price of votes for the Senate elections has not been fixed as yet.”
“One thing is, however, obvious that money rather than political ideology and morals seem to become an overriding factor in the upcoming elections for the Upper House of parliament,” he maintains.
The expected use of money in elections has worried some of the lawmakers in general and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf in particular. MPAs of the PTI who have formed “pressure group” in the assembly say that ruling party may end up as a major loser in the number game, given the amount of cash involved.
And this singular factor, say party lawmakers on background basis, was enough to cause tremendous amount of anxiety to party leaders with some losing sleep over what they believe could come as a big embarrassment.
“Things are going out of hands,” a senior party lawmaker confided.
Backing candidates of a political party in provincial assembly
“Khan Sahib will have to come, stay put, fix the problem and oversee the Senate elections,” he said, alluding to the party chief, Imran Khan.
“Without him (Imran Khan) around, there will be a mess.”
Dilemma with the PTI, said one disgruntled MPA, was that the ruling party was passing through the process of evolution and did not know the gimmicks involved in the political arena.
“Internal rifts and allegations of corruption against cabinet members have put PTI at the crossroads and these factors will have serious impact on the performance of the party in the Senate elections too,” he observed.
Nowhere in the past has there been so much accentuated anxiety over money play in the Senate elections. Like lawmakers of PTI and Jamaat-i-Islami the money factor has also worried members of Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam and Awami National Party.
“The coming elections will be like a Sunday Bazaar in the KP Assembly,” a lawmaker of the opposition amused.
“I have cast vote in the Senate elections more than four times but the upcoming polls will be the worst,” he predicted, adding that some contestants have already started paying token money to voters.
The combined opposition, comprising Pakistan People’s Party, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, Awami National Party and Qaumi Watan Party, has also torn apart ahead of the elections though Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s younger brother, Maulana Lutfur Rehman, who holds the office of the opposition leader, looks optimistic that the opposition’s candidates would be elected unopposed.
The opposition parties having 53 seats in the 124-member house have fielded 11 candidates for the electoral race.
The JUI-F has 17 MPAs and demands two seats.
The PML-N has also demanded two seats. The house of PML-N with 16 MPAs is also in disorder and insiders say the party leadership is less concerned about the results of the Senate polls from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The party member from Mansehra, Wajehuz Zaman Khan, has seconded nomination papers of outgoing Senator Waqar Ahmad Khan, while PTI lawmaker Javed Nasim has become approver. Insiders do not rule out the slipping away of other MPAs of the PML-N.
Similarly, the QWP having 10 MPAs and ANP with five votes also demand two and one seat, respectively.
The JUI-F and the QWP are still making efforts to develop consensus among opposition parties, but their formula is not acceptable to the PPP and the ANP.
The JUI-F wants two seats, one for the PML-N and one for the QWP, while one seat will go to the PPP and the ANP and that they will decide about it through a draw. But the JUI-F formula is not acceptable to the PPP at least which is playing a very calculated game.
As lawmakers of the opposition and treasury benches confided that the PPP despite five members in the assembly would give a big surprise, eyes have been set on the party in the contest for Senate.
PPP parliamentary leader Mohammad Ali Shah Bacha says that his party will never compromise on less than two Senate seats if the combined opposition offers a deal.
“Initially, the PPP can agree on getting one seat, but it will not settle for less than two seats,” he said.
The guessing game will go haywire in the coming days as the alleged flow of money continues and the opposition and treasury benches are flex muscles to ensure their members do not deviate from their formulas.
Published in Dawn February 19th , 2015
Child raped by 65-year-old man in Akora Khattak
PESHAWAR: A seven-year-old girl from Nowshera District's Akora Khattak tehsil was allegedly raped by a 65-year-old man, it emerged on Friday.
According to the child's father, the incident occurred a few days ago when the victim was playing outside her house one evening.
She was kidnapped and allegedly raped before being set free by one Shah Nawabzada, a 65-year-old resident of Akora Khatak,
The victim's father also said that the police have arrested the main accused but a trial is yet to begin.
He added that because the alleged perpetrator wields influence, the police is being forced to reach a 'compromise' or outside court settlement through back-channel negotiations.
This incident comes a day after BBC reported the horrifying story of a gang-rape victim who was filmed during the crime. The film was later distributed widely on social media sites, with little to no repercussions for the alleged perpetrators.
This case adds to the plethora of paedophilia cases reported across Pakistan each year, with the state machinery proving incapable of curbing this in the near future. A similar story was released in a documentary titled 'Pakistan's Hidden Shame' that premiered in Britain's Channel 4 last September.
The documentary alleges that 9 out of 10 children in Peshawar have been victims of pedophilia. It also contains interviews with truck drivers who have committed such crimes.
According to recent figures released by Punjab Police, about 1, 651 rape cases were registered in Punjab alone in the first half of 2014, with challans issued for 990 of these which led to zero convictions.
For more: State of neglect
Editorial — Anti-rape bill
FEW would argue that Pakistan’s societal realities are such that render it a deeply hostile place for women and children in particular.
Nevertheless, slow though it may be, in terms of legislation some progress is being made to address this concern. Forward-looking legislation is, in fact, a first step towards changing norms and reducing rights violations.
In recent years, several laws have been passed and procedures laid down that offer extra and targeted protections, such as those against honour killings and underage marriage.
Know more: Gang-rape victim lives life of isolation after viral video
Others bring into the ambit of the law those transgressions that otherwise tend to remain in the shadows, such as sexual harassment at the workplace. And last week, the Senate’s Standing Committee on Law and Justice approved the Anti-Rape Laws (Criminal Laws Amendment) Bill of 2014.
This is meant to amend sections of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860, the Code of Criminal Procedures, 1898, and the Qanoon-i-Shahadat Order, 1984 in order to improve the chances of rape victims getting justice.
The bill may be a slim document, but the changes it envisages are significant. A clause is inserted, for example, in Section 218 of the PPC making defective investigations worthy of punishment, and in Section 344 of the CrPc requiring that once a rape case has been taken cognisance of by a court, it shall be decided upon within six months.
The new bill gives added protections to victims. For instance, disclosing through the media or via some other route the identity of a victim without the latter’s consent would be deemed an offence. It also provides for in-camera trials.
An insertion in the Qanoon-i-Shahadat law says that if the question of consent comes up and the victim claims that she did not, “the court shall presume that she did not consent”.
Article 151, clause 4 of the same legislation currently reads: “When a man is prosecuted for rape or an attempt to ravish, it may be shown that the prosecutrix was of generally immoral character.” The new bill requires that this clause be omitted.
These are all welcome changes, and the bill deserves smooth passage through the Senate and the National Assembly.
Past this will come the real challenge: that of ensuring implementation. Too often, notwithstanding the laws on the books, victims of various crimes, and in particular of rape, find the path to justice impeded by entrenched prejudice and a lack of sympathy at even the level of the police station.
In addition to the laws, the whole culture surrounding rape needs to change.
And the same person was PM in 1992 when Pakistan won the world cup => idiot watch
— Zubair Faisal Abbasi (@zubairabbasi) February 27, 2015