Imran Khan says FIR means First Investigation Report. Till I last checked it was First Information Report.
— Abbas Nasir (@abbasnasir59) November 29, 2013
"President #PPP #KPK Khan Zada files FIR against #PTI workers who tortured #NATO truck drivers, ImranKhan also named in the FIR"
— BilawalBhuttoZardari (@BBhuttoZardari) November 26, 2013
MARDAN: Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Sami (JUI-S) chief Maulana Samiul Haq said on Sunday that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan should charge US President Barack Obama in the first information report (FIR) of the Hangu drone attack.
Talking to reporters at the Mardan Press Club, he said the federal government should order the Pakistan Army to shoot down the US drones. He said on November 29, 2011 the Defence of Pakistan Council had submitted an application against drone attacks in the Supreme Court, but the registrar rejected it saying Fata didn’t fall under the jurisdiction of the apex court.
The Maulana added that after the passage of the 18th Amendment all the areas of the country came under the jurisdiction of Supreme Court and the high courts. He added that on May 13 the Peshawar High Court (PHC) had given verdict against the drone attacks and the federal government should order the Pakistan Air Force to shoot down the drones in accordance with the PHC order. The JUI-S chief said his party would file a contempt of court petition in the Supreme Court against the federal government if it didn’t issue such an order.
“Now the chief justice of Pakistan should direct the federal government to ensure halt to the drone attacks after the Hangu strike as the drones can even target the Parliament, Lahore and some other city in the country,” he added. He said his party supported the blockade of Nato supplies by the PTI. He added that the JUI-S would support Maulana Fazlur Rehman if he had the courage to block the Nato supply routes.
Maulana Samiul Haq advised PTI chief Imran Khan to hold peace negotiations with the Pakistani Taliban. The JUI-S leaders including former deputy speaker of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Ikramullah Shahid and Hafiz Hussain Ahmed were present on the occasion.
PTI stole ANP slogan "Khpla Khawara Khpal Ikhtiar" by somewhat translating it into english 'our land, our way"
— salma jafar (@Chiltan) November 25, 2013
PTI activists search trucks for Nato supplies
Around 100 workers from the former cricket star's Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf (PTI) party set up checkpoints in the northwestern city of Peshawar on a main road leading to Afghanistan.
They stopped trucks and hauled drivers from their cabs to check their paperwork, following a call by Khan at a rally on Saturday to block supplies to Nato forces in Afghanistan in protest at the drone attacks.
The activists, carrying the PTI's green and red flag, broke open truck containers to check their contents, an AFP reporter at the scene said.
The PTI heads the government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, of which Peshawar is the capital. But authority for the highways lies with the federal government, which has so far made no move to block Nato supplies.
Muhammad Faisal, a senior police official, said the PTI activists' actions were illegal but he was powerless to act.
“The protesters are doing unlawful acts by checking documents and screening goods, they don't have authority,” he told AFP.
“But we can't take action against them because we have no instructions from the government. If the government orders us, we will stop this illegal activity.”
PTI activist Asghar Khalil told AFP they were heeding their leader's call to action and would not stop until Washington promised to end drone strikes.
Khan has long opposed the US campaign of drone attacks targeting Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants in Pakistan's tribal areas.
He has intensified his rhetoric since a US drone strike killed Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud on November 1.
Khan says that attack was a deliberate attempt by Washington to sabotage efforts towards peace talks with the militants, who have killed thousands in a six-year campaign of violence.
“They are doing unlawful acts. They broke the sealing of my container and forcibly examined the goods,” Faiz Muhammad Khan, a truck driver transporting sanitary items to Afghanistan, told AFP.
“If they want to block supplies for Nato forces, they should stop it in Karachi or at the border.”
Later in the day, one of Khan's allies, the right wing Jamaat-i-Islami party, led thousands in a protest against drone attacks and the Nato supply line in the southern port city of Karachi, where the shipments originate.
Pakistan is a key transit route for the US-led mission in landlocked Afghanistan, particularly as Nato forces prepare to withdraw by the end of next year.
Nato supplies were suspended on Saturday because of a major PTI rally, which was held on the route used by the trucks.
The drone strikes are deeply unpopular in Pakistan. Islamabad publicly condemns them as counter-productive and a violation of sovereignty, although previous governments have given their tacit support to them.
The US regards the strikes as a highly effective tool in the fight against militancy.
Blocking NATO routes: K-P police register cases against 40 PTI workers
PESHAWAR: The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) police registered cases against 40 workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for manhandling trucks going through Nato supply routes, Express News reported on Monday.
On November 24, PTI supporters – as a protest against US drone campaign – had blocked Nato supply routes leading to Afghanistan.
PTI workers had staged a sit-in on the Ring Road near Chamkani where they checked hundreds of container.
In their quest to distinguish Nato trucks from regular cargo carriers, workers had broken the seals of dozens of containers for the inspection of goods and had brawls with the drivers in the process.
The call for a sit-in was earlier made by PTI chief Imran Khan, after his governing party in K-P passed a unanimous resolution against drones and set November 20 as the date of a rally.
In Nowshera, around 150 PTI activists led by K-P Assembly member Idrees Khan set up a protest camp near Khairabad Bridge where participants chanted anti-US and anti-Nato slogans.
A number of PTI activists in Kohat also staged a sit in at the Jarma Chowk on the Indus Highway to halt Nato supply trucks passing through the area.
@OmarWaraich TTPTI is barking at the wrong tree! #PervaizRasheed
— Murtaza Solangi (@murtazasolangi) November 24, 2013
So IK protests against the US yet KPK govt doesn't blame the US in the FIR once a buzdil always a buzdil
— Aseefa B Zardari (@AseefaBZ) November 23, 2013
Man of the masses -- How many SUVs can you spot there -- PTI chief Imran Khan's motorcade from Islamabad to Peshawar
— omar r quraishi (@omar_quraishi) November 23, 2013
ایف آئی آر نا معلوم افراد کے خلاف کیوں درج کی گئی، آپ کی حکومت ہے سی آئی اےڈائریکٹر کے خلاف کیوں درج نہیں کی گئی، فاروق ستار ایم کیو ایم
— Wajih Sani (@wajih_sani) November 23, 2013
What? Condemn Taliban? Aur apne workeron ko marwa doon? Guess who?
— Abbas Nasir (@abbasnasir59) November 23, 2013
IK misleads Pakistanis that the Taliban want peace. Just listen to the latest statements of the TTP leaders-rejecting peace offer.
— zahid Hussain (@hidhussain) November 23, 2013
KP govt should disclose names of all those innocent children and others killed in Hangu attack.."Masoom bachay" is not a name..
— shahzeb khanzada (@shahzebkhanzda) November 23, 2013
"KPK main industries band pari hain, na bijli hai na kuch" - to bc tum log wahaan kya kanjar khana ker raye ho? isn't it "provincial" issue?
— Babbar Sherni (@mahobili) November 23, 2013
“No there is no question of ceasefire,” he said responding to a query regarding any chance of respite for peace.
“We are being attacked in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa where we are fighting a defensive war, so we will continue to hit the area from where we are targeted,” Shahid said.
But one thing is clear, Shahid said, “We are exacting revenge from security forces and not the public.”
Here he specified that the public did not include the ANP, PPP and MQM, the three leading secular parties of Pakistan that the Taliban will never pardon.
He said there was no question of dialogue with the government after the killing of Hakimullah Mehsud. “However, peace dialogue is possible if the TTP Shura and Mullah Fazullah decide.”
The way Nawaz Sharif is begging the US to stop drone strikes shows the lack of power of the government, Shahid said adding even a simple tribesman can ask the US to stop drone attacks.
Referring to Jamaat-e-Islami chief Munawwar Hassan’s statement that Hakimullah Mesud is a martyr, Shahid said, “Hassan has rightly conveyed the feelings of the Muslims.”
Regarding the slain TTP chief, Shahid was adamant on revenge. “We know the killers of Mehsud. We will track them down,” Shahid said concluding, “Hakimullah would be avenged like Sheikh Osama and this is not just a threat.”
Published in The Express Tribune, November 23rd, 2013.
ISLAMABAD: Political rhetoric and threats to block Nato supplies through the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) apart, the USAID (US Agency for International Development) is completing a number of development projects worth over $500 million in the KP. This number is more than USAID has sponsored anywhere in Pakistan, credible figures show.
On Monday, the KP Assembly passed a unanimous resolution calling for blockade of Nato supplies in the province to protest the November 1 killing of outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) chief Hakimullah Mehsud when a delegation of mutually acceptable religious leaders was to hold preliminary peace talks with the militants’ representatives. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has threatened to stop the Nato supplies on November 20 if the Nawaz Sharif government did not succeed in getting drone attacks halted by then.
However, neither the provincial assembly nor the PTI chief has talked about scrapping of the USAID funded projects in the KP, which are being executed with the cooperation and involvement of the provincial government.
While the KP and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) are the focus of such spending for obvious reasons, the Punjab government has been tactfully but politely averting the launch of USAID funded schemes in its province, an informed official told The News.
Some of the projects in the KP were started in 2007 while others in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013. They have varying periods of three to four, five and eight years for completion. The funding is part of the allocations under the Kerry-Lugar Bill, which was once seen as a sell-out by the previous federal government.
Some of the following projects are national programmes while others are confined to the KP alone. These include Pakistan Transition Initiative $102m; KP Reconstruction Programme $82m; Conflict Victims Support Programme $2.5m; Entrepreneur $1.8m; Firms 5.25m; Gomal Zam Irrigation Project $80m; Agriculture Policy Project $10m; Agribusiness Project $45m; Agricultural Innovation Project $30m; Power Distribution Programme $170m; Merits and Needs Based Scholarships $7m; Teacher Education Project $37m; The Deliver Project $100m; Fata-KP Health Programme $26m; Civil Society Support Programme $25m; Assessment & Strengthening Programme $19.5m; Water & Sanitation Programme $15m; and Municipal Services Programme $87.46m.
All these projects amount to $868m. Of this funding, more than $500m are being spent in the KP.The Pakistan Transition Initiative (2007-2015) is aimed at strengthening relations between government bodies and Fata communities through short-term, quick-impact projects. It engages villagers with the local authorities to identify and realise small-scale projects, such as paving streets and improving drinking water supply systems. It also enhances income generation opportunities through activities such as agricultural training for farmers and home-based skills training for women.
Under the Conflict Victims Support Programme, in-kind assistance is provided in the form of short-term relief, small business support and vocational training to civilian victims of the ongoing conflict in the Fata. The project improves the capacity of health facilities to respond to trauma victims.
The Agribusiness Project is intended to increase incomes and create additional employment opportunities in agriculture by introducing innovative technologies and building the capacity of farmers and processors in the Fata to improve production of various crops particularly higher value fruit and vegetable crops.
It is stated that the Fata is inhabited by 3.17 million people belonging to various Pashtun tribes. It is the most underprivileged and underdeveloped part of Pakistan with the lowest literacy rate, (17.4% overall/3% of women), the highest rate of child morality under 5 years old (135 deaths per 1,000 live births) and the lowest per capita income ($250 per year). Exacerbating these development challenges is the conflict and violent opposition to the state authority that the area has endured for more than a decade in the post 9/11 episode.
مگر یہ صرف فوٹو شوٹ ہے اور اپنی گھٹیا کارکردگی چھپانے کی کوشش
1. جب خیبر پختونخواہ حکومت سپلایی ایک ایگزیکٹو آرڈر کے ذریعے روک سکتی ہے تو کیوں نہیں روک رہی صرف اس لیے کہ پانچ سو ملین ڈالر کی امداد کا مسلہ ہے
2. خیبر پختونخّواہ حکومت اگر احتجاج نہیں کر سکتی تو دو ہفتے قبل عمران نے کیوں کہا تھا حکومت جاتی ہے تو جایے ہم سپلایی روکیں گے
3. جس دن سپلایی چلا ہی نہیں رہی اس دن دھرنا دینے سے ہم امریکہ کو کیا پیغام دے رہے ہیں ؟
4. طورخم کی سپلایی روکنے کا دعوی کرنے والے یہ بتایں جو چمن سے سپلایی جا رہی ہے اس کا کیا کیوںکہ سپلایی کا ستر فیصد حصہ تو وہاں سے جاتا ہے
5. اگر عمران خان اور منور حسن سچ میں قوم کی ترجمانی کر رہے ہیں تو کب پانچ سو ملین ڈالر کی امداد واپس کریں گے ؟
6۔ اگر عمران خان اتنا ہی اینٹی امریکہ ہے تو ڈرون کی ایف آی آر "نا معلوم " افراد کے خلاف کیوں درج کروایی جا رہی ہے کیا ہم نہیں جانتے کون ڈرون اڑاتے ہیں اور بم گراتے ہیں ؟
خدا کے لیے یہ شعبدہ بازی بند کریں اور جنہوں نے 2005 میں امریکہ سے یہ معاہدے کیے وہ معاہدے منظر عام پر لاییں جن تک وزیر اعظم سمیت کسی سویلین کی رسایی نہیں

اسپیکر اسدقیصرنےورکرزویلفیربورڈمیں منظورنظرافراد بھرتی کرانےکی سفارش کی،ذرائع
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 18, 2013
پشاور:اسپیکرنے سرکاری لیٹرپیڈ پر سابق وزیرصنعت و محنت کو بھرتی کیلیےسفارش کی،ذرائع
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 18, 2013
پشاور:تبدیلی کا نعرہ لگانے والی تحریک انصاف کی جانب سے میرٹ کی خلاف ورزی
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 18, 2013
پشاور: جیونیوز نے خط کی کاپی حاصل کرلی
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 18, 2013
خط میں سپرنٹنڈنٹ سمیت 4 درجہ چہارم ملازمین،20 اساتذہ اور دیگر آسامیوں کیلیےکہا گیا
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 18, 2013
تبدیلی کا نعرہ لگانے والی تحریک انصاف کی جانب سے میرٹ کی خلاف ورزی
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 18, 2013
پشاور:اسپیکرخیبرپختونخوااسمبلی نےوزیرمحنت کوخط بھیجنےکی تصدیق کردی
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 18, 2013
پشاور:اپنےحلقےکےلوگوں کونوکریاں دلانےکی سفارش کی تھی،اسدقیصر
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 18, 2013
پشاور:جن لوگوں کی سفارش کی ان میں سےصرف کلاس فورملازمین کوبھرتی کیاگیا،اسدقیصر
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 18, 2013
Imran Khan: The Rebel and the Statesman
The realities of governance have not been kind to Imran Khan and the PTI. They promised the nation the skies, but seem to be sinking in quicksand. The main problem seems to be that the party and its chairman still consider themselves as outsiders who are being barred from assuming their rightful offices by the powers-that-be. They were comprehensively defeated in the Punjab by the PML-N but still cry themselves hoarse over rigging, either because they don’t want to accept the loss or, even more alarmingly, they can’t imagine people voting against them. The rigging mantra is still being voiced even though no one outside the most die-hard Insafian believes it anymore. The PTI is indignant since it has only been given one province to govern, when it has a sense of entitlement that makes it feel that the whole country should be theirs to run.
Even in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the one province where it actually has to deal with the realities and compromises of power, the PTI has refused to evolve. The party fell in love with its own pre-election rhetoric and believed it had been voted into power on the basis of its promise to solve the province’s, and indeed the country’s, problems within 90 days. They ignored the trend in Khyber Pakthunkhwa, where new parties are given an opportunity after old ones fail. In 2002, the MMA took over not because their puritanical platform had mass appeal but because they were the only new option. Similarly, the ANP were voted into power in 2008 because of the much-documented failures of the religious alliance. The PTI’s electoral victory was simply a continuation of the trend, since the ANP’s brazen corruption had alienated voters in the province.
The PTI doesn’t seem to realise, though, that it has been given this position of responsibility in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa because of the lack of other options, rather than its own dazzling appeal. It has resolutely stuck to its naïve pre-election rhetoric on the overarching problem of militancy, blaming it entirely on drone strikes and the lack of negotiations with the TTP. Even as militants struck a church in Peshawar after Sunday Mass, Imran Khan kept singing the same tune. The TTP already knows that the PTI is the mainstream party most vocal in its opposition to US drone attacks and military operations in FATA. Still, there has been no respite in Khyber Pakhtunkwa – if anything the militant strikes have only grown in number and brazenness. The constant attacks, whose casualties have included PTI ministers in the provincial government, should have been enough to wake Khan up to the reality of what we face. Instead, he has demonstrated the stubbornness which many suspected would be his undoing, and kept harping on about US culpability and the need for talks.
Imran has been no less rigid on the national level, preferring to sabotage chances at constructive engagement in order to maintain the outsider position. It was this inclination of his that led to delays in the All-Parties Conference on terrorism, as Khan refused to change his schedule for the summit. That his schedule included cavorting with British royalty for an elephant-rights charity in London did not seem to dissuade him. Denouncing such moves for consensus may have worked when Imran and his parties had scant representation in parliament and could afford to be critical without presenting viable ideas of their own. Now it just makes him look clueless.
Imran Khan may have set an arbitrary 90-day deadline to achieve tangible change, but his voters will have to be a little more patient than that. Yes, he has got off to a terrible start in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which only confirmed the worst fears of his critics, but he has another four years to learn and grow. During his campaign, many may have thought that he offered an alternative for dealing with the TTP, but that has now been exposed as denialism and appeasement. The outsider pose of rejecting what the mainstream parties in the country suggest will no longer convince people who have seen the reality of PTI governance. Imran Khan will have to evolve fast or he may soon become extinct.
پشاور:صوابی میں پولیس چوکی پرفائرنگ، 2 اہل کارجاں بحق، پولیس
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 17, 2013
پشاور:مسلح افراد نے پولیس چوکی کو بھی آگ لگادی، پولیس
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 17, 2013
پشاور: قومی وطن پارٹی نے کرپشن کے الزامات کے تحت پارٹی کے2 وزرا کو معزول کرنے پر شدید ردعمل کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے تحریک انصاف کے سربراہ عمران خان کے سفارشی خطوط اور وزیراعلیٰ پرویز خٹک کی جانب سے دباؤ ڈال کر غیرقانونی بھرتیاں کروانے کے اقدامات کا پردہ چاک کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے۔
وطن پارٹی کے دو وزراء کی اچانک برطرفی کی خبریں میڈیا پرچلنے کے بعد اس وقت عجیب صورت حال پیدا ہوگئی جب سکندر شیرپاؤ نے وزیراعلیٰ پرویز خٹک سے رابطہ کیا،وزیراعلیٰ نے فیصلے سے لاعلمی کا اظہار کیا اور معلومات کیلیے سکندر شیرپاؤ سے مہلت مانگی،قومی وطن پارٹی کے ذرائع کے مطابق وزراکی برطرفی کا فیصلہ بنی گالہ میں عمران خان نے کیا اور مزید عمل درآمد کیلیے پرویز خٹک کو احکامات بھجوائے،اس پیش رفت کے دوران قومی وطن پارٹی کے سربراہ آفتاب احمد شیرپاؤجو بیرون ملک ہیں کو بھی آگاہ کیاگیا، تحریک انصاف کے فیصلے کے فوری بعد قومی وطن پارٹی کے ممبران اسمبلی اور وزرا وطن پال ہاؤس حیات آباد پہنچنا شروع ہوئے جہاں ابتدائی اجلاس میں فیصلہ کیاگیا کہ پارٹی کو بدنام کرنے کیلیے جو طریقہ اپنایاگیا اس کا بھرپور جواب دیا جائیگا اور تحریک انصاف کے سربراہ کے ہاتھ کے لکھے ہوئے وہ سفارشی خطوط منظر عام پر لائے جائیں گے ۔
جو انھوں نے قومی وطن پارٹی کی قیادت یا وزراکو اپنے لیٹر پیڈ پر لکھے اور جن میں انھوں نے قومی وطن پارٹی کے وزرا پرغیرقانونی امور کی انجام دہی پر زور ڈالا،اس کے علاوہ میڈیا کو ان ٹیلی فون کالز کی تفصیلات سے بھی آگاہ کیا جائیگا جن کے ذریعے انھوں نے مبینہ طور پرغیرقانونی لکڑی سے بھرے ٹرکوں کو راستہ دینے کی سفارش کی اورکوہستان و چلاس کے جنگلات میں منظور نظر افرادکو غیرقانونی کٹائی کیلیے فری ہینڈ دینے کا مطالبہ کیا،ذرائع کے مطابق آج ہونے والی گرماگرم پریس کانفرنس میں ان 160افرادکی فہرست بھی میڈیا کے سامنے پیش کی جائیگی جو غیرقانونی طور پر وزیراعلیٰ پرویز خٹک کے دباؤ پر محنت و افرادی قوت کے محکمے میں ایک ہفتہ قبل بھرتی کیے گئے۔
علاوہ ازیں پرویز خٹک کے صاحبزادے کی مبینہ غیرقانونی سرگرمیوں کاپردہ بھی چاک کیاجائیگا،صوبائی حکومت کیخلاف ’’چارج شیٹ‘‘ کی تیاری کاکام بھی رات گئے تک جاری رہا ،مذکورہ صورتحال کے حوالے سے ’’ایکسپریس‘‘ سے خصوصی بات چیت کرتے ہوئے سکندر شیرپاؤ نے کہاکہ ہم نے صوبے کے عوام کے مفاد میں تحریک انصاف کا مشکل وقت میں ساتھ دے کراس کو حکومت بنانے کا موقع فراہم کیا، شروع دن سے ہم نے پوری نیک نیتی کے ساتھ تحریک انصاف کاساتھ دیا اور ساتھ چلنے کیلیے جائز و ناجائزدباؤ بھی برداشت کیا مگرجس بھونڈے طریقے سے وطن پارٹی کو بدنام کرنے کی سازش تیارکی گئی اس کا بھرپورجواب دیا جائیگا، سابق سینئروزیرآج دو بجے پریس کانفرنس میں پارٹی کے آئندہ لائحہ عمل کا اعلان کریں گے۔
Shah Farman drawing parallel of TTP with Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Ayesha battle. Wonder y PTI can't send sensible ppl. They have many
— Athar Minallah (@MinallahAthar) November 11, 2013
Haha @sebabbot: Dawn accidentally called Hakimullah Mehsud a ruthless PTI leader on today's front page.Freudian slip?
— sherryrehman (@sherryrehman) November 11, 2013
Graves of that era are said to be still in existence. Some of those have caved due to lack of preservation, added the naib nazim. According to Khan, the land is marked as a graveyard in the revenue record of Patwar Circle.
Jadoon won NA-17 Abbottabad-I on a PTI ticket after defeating Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz’s senior leader Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan.
After winning the elections, he started using the land for meetings and last week, at a public gathering, announced he would construct a modern hospital on said piece of land, stated Khan.
Construction workers started levelling the land on Saturday, desecrating the graves, shared the former naib nazim. He pointed to remains of bodies which had been allegedly exposed during the excavation process.
Local elder Haji Muzaffar Khan maintained the land with ancient graves falls under the purview of The Antiquities Act 1975 and those violating it were punishable both under Islamic Law and the Criminal Procedures Code. Riasar Khan Jadoon, another local elder, threatened to use force to stop construction on the graveyard if the government failed to stop the MNA.
One of Jadoon’s associates, Dr Zaheer, told The Express Tribune the land which was being levelled has no graves.
MNA Jadoon brought the property from its owner a few years ago and was constructing a state-of-the-art hospital, said Zaheer. Turkic graves remained unharmed as they were far from the stretch of land which the hospital is going to be constructed on, he added.
Azhar Jadoon was not available for comments when contacted.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 28th, 2013.
صوابی دھماکےمیں ڈی ایس پی زین خان معمولی زخمی،گاڑی کونقصان،پولیس
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 8, 2013
نوشہرہ:صوابی جہانگیرہ روڈپرڈی ایس پی ہیڈکوارٹرکی موبائل کےقریب دھماکا،پولیس
— Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) November 8, 2013