The Gutter Politics of the Container
Who said “although the instructions were to receive the money by wire, and no such amount was received through wire….. Majority of money was received through cash, but no evidence of person handing over the money” – Special Auditor, Ahsan & Ahsan
Who said “we are of the view that employees were not able to justify the amounts deposited in their personal bank accounts beyond their known and documented source of income” – Special Auditor, Ahsan & Ahsan
Who said “we initially identified an amount of unusual credits of Rs. 19 million, other than monies received on the Party’s behalf as donations, in the personal bank accounts of employees which could not be reconciled.” – Special Auditor, Ahsan & Ahsan
Who said “It is worth noting here that we circularized KASB Bank Limited only as we were not allowed to write letters to other banks in which employees had accounts.” – Special Auditor, Ahsan & Ahsan
Who said “procedures do not constitute either an audit or a review made in accordance with International Standards on Auditing or International Standards on Review Engagements” – Special Auditor, Ahsan & Ahsan
Who said “people, who became members through telephone help lines, were all disenfranchised during the Intra-Party Elections” - Tasnim Noorani, Ahmed Awais, Yacooq Izhar
Who said “the Intra Party Election was off to a bad start, because of a horrendously incomplete and inaccurate voter list“ Tasnim Noorani, Ahmed Awais, Yacooq Izhar
Who said “in a large number of cases, family members and servants were shown as candidates”- Tasnim Noorani, Ahmed Awais, Yacooq Izhar
Who said “The fraudulent practices that took place under the garb of free and fair elections were also substantiated and corroborated, by ____ and a senior member of PTI… It has also came to light that technical irregularities took place with impunity, with the Election Commission condoning such irregularities“-Justice Wajihuddin
Who said “Millions of voters registered through phone (880022, 99000) could not be included in the voter list”-Tasnim Noorani, Ahmed Awais, Yacooq Izhar
Who said “the material on record also suggests wide spread irregularities and illegalities throughout the Intra Party Elections. The only option left appears to be to call for re-election/fresh elections without delay. So be it “Justice Wajihuddin”
What else should one expect from the gutter politics of the container which is more a cesspool of ‘Vice’ than a fountain of reform; where every evening predators are on the prowl looking for easy and innocent prey, where the chief political advisor of the chief reformer also happens to be the chief of the gutter tribe of politics, where the chief communication tool of the chief reformer is ‘Oye, ’and where the chief reformer’s chief spokesperson’s lineage is described by one of her ancestors (Sardar Sher Baz Mazari) in his book titled ‘A Journey to Disillusionment’ Page 151 quote Ashiq Mazari had by now become a habitual opponent of the Mazari chief family. The fault was not all his. Due to reasons of his birth his close family members had refused to acknowledge him and had even tried to deny him his inheritance unquote.