You’re a coward, Khan
Imran Khan you’re a coward. There’s no polite – or better – way of putting this. You’re a coward, Khan, and an absolute disgrace. For someone who talks so vociferously about valour, you have the spine of an eel. Regularly juxtaposing lions and wolves, you’d make a wolf look like a gladiator. The bravest thing you’ve done in your life is put an extra man in the slip cordon.
People, who had never bothered much about politics, collectively made you the chief of the second biggest party in Pakistan. People, who this time last year didn’t know what the acronyms ANP or MQM stood for, would now take to the street protesting against the “mercenaries” and the “murderers”. People, who have no idea how international relations work, are now echoing your pitiful counterterrorism strategy and jingoistic foreign policy as the holy gospel.
If you told them dinosaurs orbit around the earth they’d believe you. They have this unwavering, unflinching faith in everything single word that comes out your mouth. You ask them to destroy walls and they’re ready with their spades. You ask them to block routes and they’re ready to jump in front of trucks. You have the influence of a propagandist, priest and pied piper all rolled into one. And despite all that you prefer to propagate your cowardice. You prefer to sell your utter and absolute – albeit popular – bulls*it.
You, Khan, are the pied piper that lured the citizens into his tsunami, while bellowing for negotiations with the rats. The only logical outcome of this would be the people drowning in the sea as the rats rule the town. For as soon as someone smells a rat, you start pointing towards their navel.
You called the mass murder and rapist, Abdul Qadir Mulla innocent. You threw toys out of your pram following Hakimullah Mehsud’s killing. You blame every man and his dog’s problems on drone strikes – virtually the only manoeuvre that stands between the Taliban and them taking over this country. But when it’s time to condemn the TTP’s brutality, the cat drones your tongue.
After TTP has claimed responsibility for killing Chaudhary Aslam you tweet that the “Prov govt must bring perpetrators of this condemnable act 2 justice.” The ‘perpetrators of this condemnable act’ are the TTP, Khan. You type T twice and P once. It’s not a particularly difficult thing to do.
The federal government has itself done bugger all about the Taliban, Khan, but the difference between you and Nawaz Sharif is that he isn’t shielding the Taliban. He supports the Taliban talks as much as he opposes the drone strikes. We all know Pakistani government is for drones, as any person who doesn’t believe that terrorists that defy the constitution should be elevated to the stature of stakeholders, should be.
Our people are dying in our war, Khan. Contrary to your nonsense, the US while safeguarding its self-interests is fighting our war. As things stand, we’re not taking part in America’s war; it’s the other way around. And in wars, people die. The drones ensure the least collateral damage.
And while you continue your absolute drivel about our sovereignty being breached, you conveniently conceal that your masters, the Taliban, abduct Pakistan’s sovereignty, violate it, and rape it in broad daylight. Yet, you continue to be the quintessential rape apologist. And no one’s a bigger coward than a rape apologist, especially when it’s the collective rape of 190 million people.
We’re at war Khan. Ask your buffs to buckle up. No one likes war, no one likes to die. But once you’re in the middle of it, the absolute worst thing you can do is clamour against war. The worst thing you can do is proliferate pessimism. You say no one’s ever been able to defeat the Taliban in human history. One wonders who we defeated in Swat. You say peace talks would solve everything. One wonders who breached February 2009’s ceasefire.
We’re at war Khan. And your response after the enemy killed one of our most noteworthy warriors on January 9 is to hold talks with the enemy. This after you said, “KP govt as well as federal govt must recognise the sacrifice of young Aitzaz who embraced shahadat to save others,” after a brave young man made your pusillanimous ideas seem even more wretched.
We’re at war Khan. And you’re siding with the enemy. I hope you know what that makes you.
A coward. A hypocrite.